I can’t believe it has already been 2 years since I moved to Switzerland. The journey so far has been a positive one and I am looking forward to the next year! So how did my 2nd year pass by?
January – 1st anniversary
Like many, I started January full of hopes and dreams for the year ahead. My primary aim for 2019 was to improve my French. And at the end of it, I reached the early stages of B2. It was a huge achievement but not an easy one. I persistently dedicated hours of almost every single day. I watched French TV, read articles, filled thousands of quizzes and had 70 one-on-one lessons with teachers. It is still a long way to go before I can call myself fluent, but I feel much more integrated in Switzerland. Finally, I can (more or less) communicate with the locals and participate in a conversation!
The revelations of the month:
- Sunrises are beautiful during the wintertime
- January 1st a great time to hit the slopes. Most people don’t feel the best after New Year’s celebrations so for those who can it’s the perfect time to enjoy the snow.

February – becoming a dog musher for a day
Ever since I saw Iron Will movie as a kid, I dreamed of becoming a dog musher. Luckily for me, 1 beautiful afternoon last February was the day! It was a spectacular experience where I enjoyed every second of it but I must say that would not be a hobby for me. Even though it was amazing, the dogs require a lot of time and attention which I don’t think fits my personality.
Swiss do love their outdoors though, during the 3 hours we spent with the dogs I saw – a person on skis pulled by a horse, a family taking their cow for a walk, many distance skiers…
The revelations of the month:
- Hot chocolate with rum is amazing! A perfect remedy after a day of skiing.
- Canton of Valais train cows for fights. The cows are treated like real athletes and are taken on brisk walks to build up their muscles.

March – a visit to London (my previous home)
This was the first time I went to London after relocating to the Alps. It was nice to go back and see everyone but the visit also gave me a clearer idea of what I want in my life and where I want to be. The sensation was so strange, almost like a déjà vu, but not quite. The people, the metro, the routine, the food – London, in general, felt so familiar but distant at the same time.
This month I also tried some new things – ukulele playing and painting while drinking!
The revelations of the month:
- Sip’n’Paint is a great way to relax.
- Sadly, I am not going to be a ukulele master.

April – is it spring or is it winter?
If you read my last year’s post then you might remember that April brought wonderful weather. It was almost summer-like. Well, 2019 was the complete opposite. There were way too many snowy days. Which wouldn’t have been a problem if only I didn’t plant balcony plants (for the first time in my life!). So every single time there was snow I had to bring the flowers in to keep them warm! Guess who’s not going to have balcony plants this year?…well at least not until May!
The revelations of the month:
- Zurich is my favorite big city in Switzerland
- There are some wonderful cherry tree blossom walks in Switzerland

May – dinner party
During most of my first year in Switzerland, I felt quite lonely. Eveything was too new and too strange. And it was quite challenging meeting new people. Luckily, 2019 was slightly better in that regard. In May we hosted our first dinner party and from then on we had quite a few parties throughout the rest of the year. I suppose it’s true that it takes at least 2 years to adjust to a new place.
The revelations of the month:
- Museum nights are cool and should be taken advantage of.
- If planning to visit small mountain roads in spring (including May) check with the tourism office whether they are open. We drove 2 hours for nothing!

June – wild BBQ
BBQing is quite a big thing in Latvia so summer without one doesn’t really count as real summer. The problem is we live in an apartment in a wooden chalet. So starting a fire on the balcony wouldn’t be a smart idea (or legal). BUT, Switzerland offers plenty of spots where it is allowed. Oh, and what beautiful places there are! So finally this year we bought our very own portable BBQ and had several adventures out in the wild cooking meat!
If you wish to BBQ in Switzerland please note there are designated spots where this is allowed, normally these are near water supplies, such as rivers and lakes. Some places even have their grills that are available for public use.
The revelations of the month:
- La croûte au fromage – wine-soaked bread covered with cheese…mm
- Goats are crazy and will run towards you if you show the slightest interest in them. They also love chewing on clothes.

July – once in a lifetime event
Fête de Vignerons is a huge national event that celebrates Swiss wine-making. Across several weeks each canton puts up their show. The event happens no more than 4 times per 100 years. To put it short – It’s a big deal! So once we found how luckily we are to be in Switzerland during this almost once a life time event we had to attend!
One of the shows were on our 1st wedding anniversary and it seemed like the perfect way to celebrate our day so we bought tickets…If only rain hadn’t ruined it! Upon arriving at the venue we noticed messages saying that the event had been postponed for 2 hours. With nothing to do, we waited…few hours later it was postponed again, and again (3 times in total!). And after 8 hours of waiting the event was finally canceled and moved to a different day.
The revelations of the month:
- Wall climbing champion is fun to watch
- Thunderstorms in the mountains are scary

August – visitors
This year we had visitors on 10 out of 12 months. It was fun having our friends and family over. And I tried to do my best to be creative with sightseeing places. I mean who wants to visit the chocolate factory 10 times? – Well, turns out my husband does!
Anyhow, I think the most memorable visit was when my 13-year-old nephew came around for 2 weeks on his own! At first, I was scared, I thought he will be bored (maybe he was!) and it would be hard taking care of a teenager. But I think it turned out to be quite fun. Since he is a kid he never cared for typical tourist places, so we took him to do fun activities, like tobogganing, aqua-park, water pedalo ride or just swimming in the lake. I saw him happy and enjoying himself and I was glad to create memories together since we do live most of the time apart.
The revelations of the month:
- Maybe I would enjoy running my own B’n’B?
- Hiring a water pedalo (or a boat) on Geneva lake is a must during summer!

Another month another visitor. This time we had friends over from London. During their visit, we concurred some steep hikes and visited a wine festival in Ollon. Without a doubt, this is one of my most anticipated events in Switzerland. Upon arrival you purchase a glass and go from one winery to another to try different wines. For all the wine lovers out there I strongly suggest visiting one!
The revelations of the month:
- There are fluffy chickens
- Malakoff – a fried cheese ball is one of the most delicious things to try while in Switzerland

October – Dog sitting
In October I was offered to do dog sit for a couple of days, and since for a while now I’ve been contemplating if I am ready or not to have a dog – I agreed. Although it was hard to admit, at this point in our lives it would be too difficult for us. Not living next to our families and people who could help out can be challenging and depressing at times.
The revelations of the month:
- Perhaps I could have a cat? Don’t need that much attention.
- Devil goats are a thing!

November – We won the local Quiz night!
I usually don’t win anything, or maybe I just don’t participate enough! Either way in November my husband and I went to the local charity quiz night with our friends. And our team won! Turns out we are quite smart!
The revelation of the month:
- “I can” – mindset is a powerful tool
- Standing on top of the mountain range feels breathtaking…literally. 3000 m above sea level makes it difficult to breath!

December – sunny Florida
My husband doesn’t get so many days off as I do but I LOVE traveling. So in the autumn I got talking with one of my friends and turned out we were at the same place in our lives. One thing led to another and just a week after we booked tickets to Florida. It was strange going on holiday without my partner but at the same time, I was excited facing this challenge. I’m not going to lie it was stressful at times. Normally my husband drives when we are traveling. But on this trip, I had to be the driver! It was not easy, but I did it!
The revelation of the month:
- I can overcome the things I fear like driving in America and flying through heavy turbulence!

I can’t believe 2 years have already passed by! I remember when I moved to the UK the time seemed to drag on. Of course, it was a different experience – I was straight out of high school with no career and no professional knowledge. Most days I felt homesick and depressed as I was under a lot of pressure juggling uni studies and full-time work. On the other hand, life in Switzerland has flown by and has been filled with mostly positive emotions!
If you would like to find out how my 1st year was in Switzerland, click on the following link -> ONE YEAR IN SWITZERLAND